I am still around.
I have had a sabbatical of recent. Months worth.
I really never got back on an up swing after Blessing passed away. then, a medication change that went W A Y wrong. I am not at the bottom of the barrel, but I am not up beat anymore. I have been reading thru my older posts and damn, did I have energy! Wonder what went wrong?? I feel so very empty and down. I try very hard to accomplish stuff and it just doesn't get done.
We did, this month, get a new addition to our family. His name is Vincent. He is a LOVE!!! Here he is.

He loves Momma & Daddy and is getting along very well with Tucker. They play rough and love it! Punkin is still adjusting to the active little guy.
Vincent, Vin for short, loves to snuggle and curls up on me at night and in the afternoon, just before Daddy gets home from work.
Brian & I "celebrated" our "Almost 21 Years Anniversary" yesterday. We had 2 weddings. Our REAL date is 7-18-87, but we had another for the family on 5-28-88. It was an uneventful day, just the usual. Perhaps we'll go out this weekend for lunch.
that's it for now. I hafta get moving. Gotta go see the kitties being housed at our local PetCo for my volunteer job. I clean up & cuddle the kitties on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons for Pet Lovers Rescue. It keeps me active and gets me outta the house for a bit.
Thanks for checking in on me. Will post again within the week. Have a great day! D :)