Here's my "LOOT" for today!
Good Ol' Dad gave me money. His birthday is the 4th, I hope he gets his card on time. I got him a GC to his fav rib house!

Brian bought me this beautiful Murano Glass Heart Shaped Pendant from Italy! It's Stunning!

Rose bought me this figurine of my inner Wench! LOL Kitty Red Riding Hood, standing on the wolf!

Up close of Kitty Red. Ain't she SUMTHIN'?????

My sister, TC, sent me this. He reminds us of our Little Man Blessing, who passed away this January. Ain't he the cutest???

Calla Lilies from our garden.

Brian took this shot this AM of the Iris in our garden. He grows lovely florals.
I apologize for being SO absent of recent. Life has picked up recently & gotten much better. This is what is going on:
Tuesdays & Thursdays: I am volunteering with a group called "Pet Lovers Rescue" here in the Lady Lake area. They take in unwanted, found & abused animals (mostly cats) and foster them until they get adopted. There is an overflow of cats now and they have an agreement with our local PetCo to use the cage area at the front of the store to house extra animals.
I can visit from around 12:PM to 4PM. I check the food, water & litter. I clean up & love the babies while I'm there. I am loving this! This is such a wonderful non-profit group. They rely exclusively on donations, too. It's tough, our foster "parents" shell out a great deal of money to house our babies prior to adoption.
1st & 4th Thursdays: Paradise Stamping. I am just a member of this group. I have been so busy with The Fools, that I have yet to attend a meeting this year! I must make the effort to show up at the next one. They meet from 1:30 to 3:30PM.
1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays: Stampin' Fools. I am still President and am scheduling the classes for the rest of the year right now. I have from June to December to complete. I am also recruiting help for class nights. There are many things to be done and I cannot get it all done by myself. I need help with the raffle ticket sales, next class sign up & payment and accounting for the night's class monies.
I need to get this all accomplished before I can participate in the class. It's tough. Sometimes I have to skip the first project altogether.
Saturdays: Mark Twain Library. I volunteer from 10 A to 12 Noon. I shelve books, file cards and insert the cards into books for shelving. This is fun and I love the socialization.
While Dad is down for the winter months (Oct. to April), we go to tag sales, flea markets & rummage sales for fun. In Florida, there are flea markets for every day of the week!! We usually go for the whole day, from breakfast to post lunch - 6AM to 3PM! We also hit Thrift Stores along the way.
We are having 2 vacation visits this month!
Our friends from South Florida will be arriving the PM of 3-4! ACK - this week! They will be leaving 3-7 mid-day.
From 3-20 to 3-30, our friend who hosted us in England this past October, is coming HERE to visit us!!!
I have a Dr's appmt on 3-14 for my diabetes regular check up. I get my hair done on 3-18, I am going for a body wave, then in about a week - highlights!
I have counseling therapy weekly and I am doing well. We are trying something I have never done before. A family history. It is intense and enlightening. I must write it all down. It's really my emotional history, my life so far. I have MANY white elephants in my life. I need to be rid of them in order to function better.
Plus, there's the usual housekeeping to do and groceries to schedule.
Holy Cow!!! Am I busy enough NOW??? Don't think I'll have time to be depressed! LOL
I do believe, though, that the lengthening of the days as Spring/Summer approach has helped greatly. I am brighter and much more eager to get out and do things of recent.
Thank you for stopping by and reading up on my activities. I hope to post more oftern now that I have overcome the Winter Blahs.
Have a great day! Hugs & Smiles! D :)
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