Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, 7-9-08


I am still around, but just not up to posting constantly. I really have nothing to say of late.

Thanks to Ann, Rebecca & DaBich for checking in on me! My friend Mee is moving, so I doubt computer time is available of late. Hope all goes smoothly for her!

What have I been up to? Not much. Let's start with the 4th. HonBun had off. Celebrations & activities all around us, but it was too hot & too crowded to even think about it. We stayed home.

Actually, today I'm SUPPOSED to go to the Vampires for lab work, but I don't feel like it - I'll go tomorrow. I must go out to visit the kitties at PetCo in the afternoon to spread the sugar on them!

I also need to go to Publix for supplies. Got a $5 coupon off a $30 purchase to use by Friday! Need to order more vegetarian bologna, too.

Hey - I also have to go to the bank to cash 2 checks for stamping class next week. Yea, the summer schedule is great for me, I love not having to go out 3 nights a month!

HonBun works this Saturday, but will have next Friday off for it. 7-18 IS OUR 21ST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! We should "do" something, but what??? All I can think of is lunch or dinner out - maybe a movie???

My spirits are at a stable level again. I am in a good/decent place right now. Went thru a real bad time for a week or so the end of June. It's just I don't have the motivation to leave the house. It's also very hot this time of year, I hate to sweat! LOL It's an extra excuse for me. Being by myself for the day is difficult. I draw energy from the people around me. I'm fine once I get out. It's the "getting out" thats the problem.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'll check back in and see if anyone stopped by later in the week.

If you do stop by, Thanks! Have a marvelous week and be happy.

D :)

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